Ce magnifique cheval jouet MY PONY de ROLLZONE® avance en douceur grâce à un mouvement de galop Lire plus.
This beautiful MY PONY toy zebra from ROLLZONE ® rides smoothly forward with a galloping movement. MY PONY horses ride by pushing the foot pedals and making a standing-sitting movement. By means of the handles it is possible to steer to the left or right. MY PONY is solid and very stable designed. All MY PONY models, unlike other brands, do not have a visible seat. They are equipped with a saddle like a real zebra.
MY PONY is wonderful to play with, but also a favorite cuddly buddy.
Les chevaux jouets MY PONY sont un nouvel engouement dans le domaine des jouets d'équitation. Les jouets d'équitation MY PONY permettent aux enfants de bouger, ce qui est bon pour leur développement.